Course curriculum
Introduction to Kubernetes
Path to Automation with Kubernetes
Just Enough Docker for a Kubernetes Practitioner
Setting up Environment
Building Blocks - Pods
Ensuring application availability with Replication Controllers
Service Discovery and Load Balancing
Application Deployments and Updates
Managing Application Configurations with ConfigMaps and Secrets
Persisting data and dynamic volumes provisioning
Creating Release Strategies - Blue/Green, Canary
Application routing with Ingress Controllers
Dynamically scaling apps with Horizontal Pod Autoscaler
Setting up firewall with Network Policies
High Available Production Cluster setup with Kubespray
Access Control and RBAC Policies - Authentication and Authorization
Advanced Pod Scheduling
Using HELM to setup Monitoring with Prometheus and Grafana
The need for a Container Orchestration Engine FREE PREVIEW Battles of COEs, which one to choose Key Features of a COE FREE PREVIEW What makes Kubernetes the de facto COE choice Negatives of using Kubernetes -
Section Intro - Path to Automation with Kubernetes FREE PREVIEW Namespaces FREE PREVIEW Pods FREE PREVIEW Replication Controller, Replica Sets and Deployments Service Discovery and Load Balancing Applying kubernetes primitives to your Application Stack FREE PREVIEW Configmaps and , Storage, Network, RBAC etc. FREE PREVIEW Daemonsets, Statefulsets, Crons and Jobs Kubernetes Architecture Run Down Kubernetes Architecture Run Down Building production grade Hight Available Kubernetes Cluster -
Setting up and validating docker environment Running your first container Making containers persist with -idt options Essential Container Operations - list, logs, exec, cp, inspect, stop, rm Publishing containers using port mapping Using docker instead of VMs to create development environments Portainer - Web console to managing Docker Environments Launching Application Stack with Docker Compose Building an image manually with docker commit Automating image builds with a Dockerfile Dockerfile Primer -
Section Intro- Setting up Environment Provisioning and configuring Digital Ocean Nodes Initialize Cluster with kubeadm Setting up Weave CNI Launching Kubernetes Dashboard Setting up a kubernetes Visualizer Resetting cluster created with kubeadm -
Section Intro - Pods Writing pod spec Launching and Operating Pods Troubleshooting Pods Issues Attaching a volume to a Pod Launching Multi Container Pods Connecting to individual Containers -
Section Intro - Replication Controllers Setting up namespace and switching context Writing Replica Set Specs Launching Replica Set and Fault Tolerance -
Section intro - Services Exposing services outside the Cluster Service Discovery -
Section Intro - Deployments Writing Deployment Specs Rolling Out a Deployment Update and Rollback Rollbacks Solution part I - Deploying a worker App Solution part II - Deploying DB service Solutions part III - Results App -
Section intro - Coonfigmaps and Secrets Creating config map for vote app options Setting up environment specific configs Adding configs from files Creating secrets to encrypt database credentials Setting environment vars using secrets -
Section Intro- Persistent Volumes Setting up RBAC for NFS Provisioner Setting up NFS provisioner with Statefulset Creating storage class for NFS Claiming a persistent volume and mounting it Dynamically provisioning of persistent volumes -
Section Intro- Release Strategies Defining Recreate as a Release Strategy Canary Releases Blue Green Deployments Pausing and fixing rollouts -
Section Intro HPA Setting up code monitoring with Metrics Server Defining Resource Requests and Limits Creating a Horizontal Pod Autoscaler Writing load test Job definition Laying a siege with load-test jobs Autoscaling in action with HPA -
Section Intro Ingress Ingress Controllers and Ingress Choosing Traefik as a ingress controller and DaemonSet as a deployment type Creating DaemonSet for Traefik Writing Ingress definition for vote app with named based routing Testing ingress and accessing the application Annotations and setting up basic auth for vote app -
Creating default network policy for instavote namespace Exposing public facing apps and allowing inter namespace communication -
From dev to production with High Available kubernetes Cluster Introduction to Kubespray HA Design Preparing Nodes to setup Kubernetes Ansible control node and inventory setup Running ansible kubespray playbooks to configure etcd, master and nodes Adding a new node to cluster with kubespray Enabling additional kubernetes features with with Kubespray Understanding HA setup, mapping services to nodes Kubernetes configurations quick dive Configuring kubectl locally to conenct with multiple clusters FREE PREVIEW Deploying instavote app on prod cluster Accessing kubernetes dashboard -
Access Control with Kubernetes RBAC Concepts Defining Users, Groups and Authorizations Creating Users and Groups using x509 Certificates Setting credentials and contexts Creating Roles and RoleBindings for interns Binding to existing ClusterRole using ClusterRoleBinding for Ops ClusterRoles with namespaced RoleBindings for dev -
Using nodeName to bind a pod to a node Selecting node based on labels with nodeSelector Selecting nodes with nodeAffinity Using podAffinity and podAntiAffinity to ensure co locating applications Using taints and tolerations to make nodes unschdulable or run only specific apps -
Introduction to HELM Setting up helm with tiller and launching prometheus Quick overview of helm Charts Launching wordpress with custom values Setting up prometheus with custom storageclass and ingress rules Deploying grafana and integrating it with prometheus
Learning Objectives
What will you learn in this course ?
Understand the need for a Container Orchestration System and Key Features of Kubernetes
Install and configure a Kubernetes Cluster
Create deployments with replicasets and setup highly available self healing application infrastructure
Setup service discovery and load balancing with Kubernetes Services, understand the service networking
Manage different types of workloads with Daemonsets, Statefulsets, Crons and Jobs
Understand how persistent storage works with PVs, PVCs, Storageclasses and dynamic provisioners
Setup Auto Scaling with Horizontal Pod Autoscaler
Create RBAC Policies, Roles/ClusterRoles and Bindings
Your Instructor
Devops Coach
Gourav Shah
In his current avatar as a devops educator, Gourav has conducted close to 400 corporate workshops, making difference to the careers of more than 5000 technology professionals. He has trained at many of the world class organizations in India and abroad such as Adobe, Visa, Walmart Labs, Cisco, Mercedes, Dreamworks, Intuit, RBS, Accenture, Oracle, ICT of Sri Lanka and the list goes on. Gourav has authored more than 15 self paced video courses on devops topics which are subscribed by 40k+ students globally from more than 150 countries. Gourav is a published author with one book and 7 courses published by Packt, UK and with a course on CI/CD published by Linux Foundation this year.
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